2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Valle del Cauca: Escuela de liderazgo ciudadano - Citizen Leadership School
The School of Citizen Leadership was born as a response to the social problems expressed by the young people of the municipalities of Valle del Cauca (Colombia), with the objective of providing knowledge, attitudes and skills for the exercise of citizen leadership, citizen participation, social control and citizen oversight. , empower the participants to exercise their role as citizen leaders and motivate the participants to form citizen oversight offices.
For its operation, the School develops a process of promotion, convocation, logistics, facilitation, registration of evidence, evaluation, certification and continuous improvement.
The results achieved by the School of Citizen Leadership are estimated at more than 3,000 people impacted, 6 oversight offices formed and recognition through three international awards: One by the Inter-American Development Bank as 'The Best Trust Building Initiative' in Latin America; and for the Impolitica Awards that highlighted the School for its contribution and management for transparency and the fight against corruption and for being an innovative citizen initiative in Ibero-American political action.
The challenges of the School of Citizen Leadership are to reach 100% of the municipalities of Valle del Cauca, impact the department's Youth Municipal Councilors and design a second version or season of the citizen leadership seminar that allows to dynamize, consolidate and expand the process. education, training, training, and comprehensive transformation of citizen leaders already impacted and certified by this model of comprehensive citizen leadership based on neuroscience, ontological coaching, andragogy, and interactive neuro-learning methods.
The Citizen Leadership School has contributed to the generation of trust between citizens and the public administration in each municipality where the Citizen Leadership Seminar has been held. In addition, the application of the transparency law, the Public Policy of integrity and the culture of citizen participation, social control, accountability, citizen oversight and culture of legality have been institutionally and socially strengthened.
The Citizen Leadership School managed to establish strategic alliances with the Northern Valley Territorial Management, the Valle del Cauca Youth Subdirectorate and the “Simón Rodríguez” National Technical Institute of Commerce - Intenalco Higher Education.
The School of Citizen Leadership was favored by the collaborative work in the generation of results regarding the management, promotion, call, obtaining resources and means, logistical support, facilitation and dissemination of the impact and results of the good practice.
The good practice of the School of Leadership is simple and straightforward, its methodology applied in the development of citizen leadership seminars, mentoring and citizen talks is based on neuroscience, ontological coaching, andragogy and interactive learning methods for adults, based on the learning principle Less is More.
We apply the 7 principles of assertive communication: deliver a clear, concrete, concise, correct, coherent, complete and courteous message.
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Premio Convocatoria Alta Gerencia, Experiencia: Escuela de Liderazgo Ciudadano
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El liderazgo y empoderamiento ciudadano es fundamental para la democracia y su participación e incidencia
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