2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Alcobendas Podcaster
Alcobendas Podcaster arises in April 2022, within the framework of open governance and forged by the
Department for Citizen Participation and Cooperation, with the purpose of providing advantages for greater communication capacity, transparency, trust and closeness, through the Podcast resource .
Alcobendas Podcaster is a collaborative knowledge and citizen innovation project that generates podcasts by and for the city, with the following objectives:
- Offer a resource from which to provide a digital space, technical material and advice for the creation of a podcast.
- Offer information and content of interest to the city.
- Identify citizen references generating a citizen network of users.
- Provide technical knowledge on topics, processes and municipal procedures of interest.
The involvement of different social agents in the proposal and development of podcasts is essential in a project whose implementation consists of 4 phases:
- Phase 0, diagnosis of needs and training.
- Phase 1, design and creation of the web space and the municipal accounts for hosting the podcasts (Ivoox and Spotify), as well as coordination with the services and citizens interested in generating podcasts: approach to the objectives and themes, scheduling, identity and script creation, hosting and dissemination.
- Phase 2, of implementation and generation of continuity, since the project will be continuously updated.
- Phase 3, diffusion, with the creation of an identity for each channel and each episode, internal diffusion, website, RR.SS and YouTube.
The main innovation of Alcobendas Podcaster is its potential to become a community of podcasters. Bearing in mind that the content creators are the municipal areas, citizens and other social agents, both the Citizen Participation Subdirectorate and the space itself become a technical and advisory resource at the service of the community.
Citizens thus cease to be passive recipients of institutional actions and communications to become producers of knowledge that is not simply consumed, but is produced jointly and shared.
Depending on their origin, there are two podcaster profiles: internal (municipal staff) and external (citizens and other social agents). Depending on the knowledge, three roles are identified:
- Amateur: without knowledge about podcast creation, but with knowledge about topics of interest.
- Initiate: with both types of knowledge.
- Generator: proposes podcasts, but does not participate in their development.
There is also the podcast listening community, which can also play an active role in assessing the project and returning opinions.
In a month of operation, 8 episodes have been created, with a total of 200 listeners, and another 8 proposals have been received (2 from citizens, 2 from associations and 4 from municipal departments), which will be launched shortly.
Alcobendas Podcaster has internal and external evaluation mechanisms, promoting continuous review and updating, and which will also be the subject of a phase of citizen co-creation, with the holding of annual Forums to evaluate and incorporate improvements participatively.
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Gracias por tu comentario, Anna, es un proyecto muy reciente en el que se ha trabajado mucho. Esperamos que siga teniendo una buena acogida y que la gente se anime cada vez más a participar.
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