2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Communal Action Public Policy in the Municipality of Neiva 2020-2032
The public policy Communal Action in the Municipality of Neiva, represents great importance for the city, taking into account the multiple reasons why the creation, construction, implementation and consolidation of a Public Policy for Communal Action is necessary, given the conditions as mediators in the different Community Action Boards (JAC); Community Housing Boards (JVC) of the city.
For the construction of a better quality of life for all Neivans, it is necessary to ensure the human dignity of individuals, which is why, from the very construction of the government program, the following premise was established as a citizen vision of the municipality of Neiva :
"Improve the conditions for local progress in an orderly, sustainable, sustainable way that dignifies the human being, promoting citizen participation as a fundamental tool in the development of the municipality." The foregoing urges us to understand the importance of citizen participation, as that indisputable factor of the legitimacy of the executive in the territory, in addition, the following was established as a mission of the Municipal Development Plan Citizen Mandate Territory of Life and Peace 2020-2023: "The inhabitants of the Municipality of Neiva, live in a sustainable and sustainable territory, which allows them to develop their skills, talents and entrepreneurial capacity, which generates opportunities to improve their quality of life in an integral and dignified manner."
The Communal Public Policy has strengthened the democratization of the Communal Action of the municipality of Neiva, in processes of formation, management, training, values, communication, entrepreneurship, hiring, sustainability and recognition of the OACs during the period 2020-2032.
ASOJUNTAS has had the opportunity to develop activities that generate economic resources and can improve their quality of life; for 2021 the Municipal Administration, socialized the ornate plan where they were linked to the Community Action Boards to carry out decorations in the city of Neiva; This activity began to be developed in the year 2022 and has been a great success, since it motivates the community to participate in the community action boards, it has managed to improve the income of the presidents and members of the boards of directors, and the city of Neiva has notably improved in the beautification of parks and sectors that have been hit by pollution.
Likewise, support was given to projects with government entities, 29 projects presented by community action organizations in 2021, where $10,000,000.cop was assigned to each of the projects related to endowment for a total of $290,000. 000. Cop. which will be delivered in the first half of 2022.
For the evaluation of the Public Policy, the Directorate of Citizen Participation or whoever takes its place must submit an annual report in the last period of ordinary sessions of the Municipal Council on the progress of the implementation of the public policy.
The Mayor's Office will advance the Week of Community Action as a strategy for evaluation, monitoring and formulation of plans, programs and projects of Public Policy and Community Development.
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Conversation with OSER ANDRADE SALAZAR
Con la Política Pública de la Acción Comunal del municipio de Neiva - Huila, permite que los OAC cuente con una herramienta de participación, en la toma de decisiones y fortalecimiento al desarrollo social y comunitario, donde las acciones formuladas en la política genera espacios de dialogo y comunicación directa con la administración municipal, en busca del mejoramiento continuo de la comunidad.
Si Oser, gracias por apoyar y por conocer nuestra política pública comunal
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