2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Ocoyoacac : Matematrix
In the municipality of Ocoyoacac, derived from the concern to raise the level of competitiveness, it was identified that one of the fundamental factors to achieve it is to raise the educational level of our inhabitants; therefore, we focus on strengthening the educational segment that has more risks.
Raising the capabilities of our students depends largely on the quantity and variety of teaching resources available to our students, for this reason we focus on adapting the teaching resources of matematrix to our municipality with the participation of various social sectors and finding a great acceptance and impact to this day it has been a great challenge to involve the public and private sectors (educational authorities, teachers, parents, students and the community in general).
At the same time, innovation has allowed us to have a great impact with other organizations inside and outside the municipality.
Today we can say with satisfaction that the matematrix program is achieving the objectives set from the beginning of the administration; same that seeks to ensure that all our students have opportunities and means to develop their skills, but also that there is an involvement of different actors in society, to make this program an exercise in citizen participation, through a tool fundamental and strategic that is mathematics.
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La educación es la principal herramienta para crear sociedades participativas y en la actualidad debe ser prioridad.
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