2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Totana: Diagnosis for coexistence and social inclusion
Totana is a municipality with more than 36,000 inhabitants where 74 different nationalities live together and more than a quarter of the population is foreign (26.16% compared to the regional average of 14.10% and the national average of 12.26%). The highest rates of vulnerability are found among the foreign population, especially the African and Latin American population and, to a greater extent, among the female population.
In Totana, even though there is a wealth of cultural variety and origin, the lack of relationship between the different cultures that inhabit it stands out.
The development of Participatory Local Diagnosis pursues several objectives:
- Carry out a collective and participatory investigation of the situation of the population through the construction of relationship spaces that favor coexistence.
- Create a stable participation structure that allows networking at the territorial level, between neighborhoods, and at the institutional level, between entities.
- The Participatory Local Diagnosis is configured as the first phase of a long-term community development process, through the proposal of strategic and transversal lines of action to improve the quality of life of citizens.
The experience is being developed in various phases:
Preliminary phase: Search for alliances at a political and social level. Representatives of all the political groups present in the Municipal Corporation have been contacted to seek maximum consensus in the development of the process. Contact has also been maintained with social entities, the media, businessmen and the rest of the Public Administrations present in the territory: Educational Administration, Health, Social Security and State Security Forces.
Preparation phase: With the training and education of all the actors so that they know the process, its operation and the way to be able to get involved. Research tools were also designed in this phase.
Execution phase: It is being carried out through direct citizen participation techniques (Participatory Intervention Nuclei, Citizen Stories, interviews with Key Informants, Citizen Assemblies, Youth Plenary, Citizen Days, etc.), technical and political resources. of the locality (meetings, interviews, talks, etc.) and interactive participation through digital media (web forms, interactive mapping, etc.).
Systematization phase: Specific tools have been designed to collect information on the entire process in order to be able to carry out a critical analysis of it as a complement to the analysis of the results provided by the evaluation. Through this phase we want to obtain knowledge about the development of the process itself, how the dynamics of the experience and the interpretation of its protagonists have been, beyond its results.
Evaluation phase: An ad hoc evaluation is being carried out in each activity and an intermediate and a final one are planned.
We cannot yet speak of results because we are halfway through the process, although more than 2,700 people have already participated in the activities that have been carried out, especially children and adolescents from educational centers.
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Conversation with Moderna clásico
Proyecto indispensable para todo municipio. Enhorabuena, Totana, por reconocerlo y ponerlo en marcha. Mucho ánimo y éxito al magnífico plantel de trabajadoras sociales que estáis al frente.
¡Muchas gracias, Moderna Clásico! Ojalá este tipo de proyectos se puedan poner en marcha en más lugares de la Región de Murcia, son muy necesarios, sí.
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