2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Bogotá: Pactando - Compromising
The PACTANDO Strategy is aimed at generating processes for the transformation of conflicts and problems in a broad and participatory manner, between different social and institutional actors in contexts of conflict or challenges for the collective definition of city policies and issues, for the consolidation of willingness, trust and promotion of participation.
The Pacts are socially consensual agreements, through the establishment of citizen actions through processes and mechanisms of participation, construction of power and social autonomy and the convergence of institutional and inter-institutional actions for the transformation of problems and consolidation of city proposals. In this sense, the value of the Pacts should not be measured only in terms of their final result, but also of the process that they promote. However, a key aspect of the pacts is that specific commitments are generated from the citizen and institutional actors. The pacts have three territorial scales, namely:
Micro: Processes at the neighborhood and zonal level to address conflicts and build participatory inter-institutional agendas and/or neighborhood life plans.
Meso: Processes at an inter-local or regional scale that seek to produce common guidelines for addressing a topic of shared interest or life plans and broader agreements.
Macro: Structuring of participatory processes on strategic issues of the city and/or its articulation with the region. They produce general guidelines, contributions to public policy or a common vision that helps to advance and act on the subject in question.
Through a pact you can:
- Facilitate the approach of a specific conflict and find creative transformations from the communities that articulate inter-institutional efforts.
- Help avoid a scenario of conflict within the communities and/or with the institutions, previously identifying a possible problem or factors that could generate future conflicts.
- Promote visions and collaborative actions that nurture or strengthen social, institutional or community relations around a key issue, policy or challenge of the city, locality, territory, specific population.
- Promote and develop dynamics of social mediation and promotion of participation.
The PACTANDO strategy has the following phases or steps:
- Know and understand.
- Co-create.
- Agree.
- Implement.
- Evaluate.
With the implementation of the PACTANDO strategy, the following has been achieved:
- Strengthening of citizen participation within the framework of promotion, situated participatory planning, social dialogue and active listening around the transformation of conflicts and the collective construction of city purposes and policies.
- Institutional and inter-institutional articulation, greater effectiveness of administrative and government actions.
- Recognition of territories, leadership and social processes, strengthening the fabric and social initiative.
- It constitutes a channel for building trust between citizens and institutions.
- Positioning of the meeting, dialogue and listening as a daily practice within the territories and communities.
- It contributes to reducing asymmetries between the various participation actors, empowering and strengthening their organizational, decision-making and management capacities.
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Las dinámicas territoriales, nos permiten identificar interrelaciones que conllevan a procesos participativos y de apropiación. Necesario para la contrucción de PAZ.
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