2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Buenos Aires: Plan for the Future
Within the framework of the Plan for the Future, the Buenos Aires City Government promoted a collective intelligence process to listen, debate and generate ideas for the new normality. One of the objectives of this participatory process was to open listening and participation channels to connect citizens with the future of the City and collectively build possible initiatives to face the challenges that the end of the pandemic poses for the coming years. Likewise, each of the instances of the participatory process aimed to take advantage of and enhance the knowledge and experience of civil society organizations, experts and academics to channel the collective intelligence that adds value and creativity to the City. It consisted of three stages: the Citizen Consultation, the Ideatones or ideation tables, and finally, the Citizen Vote. The transversal axes to the entire participatory process, determined by the competent areas, were:
- Comprehensive well-being: includes everything related to the comprehensive well-being of people and sustainable practices for caring for the environment.
- Education and work: focuses on strategies that promote job placement, digital education, support for the productive sectors of the economy, and financial inclusion.
- Urban transformation: addresses the City as the center of people's enjoyment, focused on its new uses.
- Digital city: contains the themes of technological development and the use of new platforms, since they are a central element in the modernization of the State. Putting technology at the service of the neighbor makes it possible to improve processes and daily experiences.
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es muy buen proyecto para q se lleve acabo
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