2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Citizen's office to promote citizen participation in the municipality of Tône1
Origin: Before 2018, we could observe an ambient gloom and a position of passive observers of the citizen of what the local elected official does.
Aware that local public policies and local development objectives must take into account the needs expressed by the populations, the local authorities of Tône 1 have sought ways and means to give an important place to citizen participation in local governance. With a view to real citizen participation, the local authorities of Tône 1, based on the texts and with the support of its partners, have proposed to regularly present budgets and accounts to citizens and have started the participatory budget. .
But the most interesting experience is that of the establishment of the Bureau du Citoyen (BdC). Based on law 2019-006 which stipulates in its article 17 that the municipality can create a citizen's office, the municipality of Tône1 set up the Citizen's Office (BdC) from October 2018.
Goals :
- Provide the citizens of Tône 1 with tools and mechanisms for participatory democracy that promote their participation in decision-making for municipal projects and policies;
- Provide the citizens of Tône1 with frameworks and tools for citizen monitoring and control by the populations of the public actions of local authorities;
- Allow citizens to monitor and evaluate the actions of the local elected official, whose recommendations will be used to guide decision-making.
Operation: The citizen's office collects complaints, concerns, grievances, suggestions from citizens, processes them and produces a report which it sends to the Mayor of the municipality. The Mayor has a period of 15 days to analyze and propose answers to the citizen's office, which sends them to the citizens. The citizen's office also relays the decisions and actions of the municipal council to citizens through awareness channels.
Results: The experience of the BdC will soon total four years of activities which have made it possible to achieve the following results.
An increase in the number of citizens attending city council sessions. Example: the budget session of 2021 to register 300 Citizens;
An increase in the number of citizens participating in mass meetings organized in the neighborhoods on various themes;
A gradual increase in the number of concerns expressed by the citizens of Tône 1. The number increased from 13 in 2019 to 23 in 2020;
Realization of concrete actions proposed by citizens (markets, gutters, speed bumps, school fences, etc.)
Evaluation: The experience of the BdC of the commune of Tône 1 is nourished by the results of the two types of evaluation which are carried out periodically: a self-evaluation (it is done every six months and makes it possible to correct certain operating errors) and external evaluations (they are conducted annually by the partners to propose solutions for a better anchoring of the BdC in the municipal institutional system)
Présentation de la Commune Tône 1
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