2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Mandlakazi: Participation and inclusion of each and every one against the pandemic of covid 19
The Municipality of the Village of Mandlakazi, is located in the Province of Gaza, District of Mandlakazi and is constituted by 14 Administrative Units with a population of 37.379 inhabitants. This Municipality favors a participative and inclusive governance as one of the tools that brings the leadership and the communities closer together, and the planning of the activities is done in a joint way through several Forums created for this purpose, namely the Municipal Children's Forum, Municipal Women's Forum, Municipal Youth Forum, Municipal Citizen's Forum and in general, where the latter counts with the representation of some members of the other Forums already mentioned.
Each of the forums represented one of the social extracts of Mandlakazi Municipality, so in this time of the pandemic each and every extract was involved in the process of preventing and fighting the covid 19 pandemic. Children and Teachers were directly involved with schools, with children's clubs in and out of school, the Youth Forum also took the lead in prevention in all spheres of the municipal area . Similarly, women and men had mechanisms directed at them for preventing and combating COVID19.
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Es bueno que los niños estén involucrados para que valla aprendiendo a desarrollarse dentro de las panaderías comunes
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