2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Djougou participatory budget
The participatory budget is a budget planning tool that has proven to be a tool that would allow communes to practice citizen participation in the elaboration and implementation of the communal budget on the one hand, and transparency through the information of the population on the content of the budget and the commune's Annual Investment Plan (AIP) on the other.
This tool was implemented in the commune as part of the open government project thanks to the technical support of Social Watch Benin with the financial and technical support of the U.S. Department of State. Its main objective is to contribute to strengthening the implementation of open government principles in Benin's communes.
Led by a steering committee, the Participatory Budget was implemented through the organization of fóra at the district level, the organization of the communal fórum and the prioritization of needs at the communal level.
All in all, the Participatory Budget made it possible to identify the needs of the population in a participatory manner, to prioritize them and to allocate resources from the commune's own resources.
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Très intéressant, cette façon d'impacter le quotidien des populations à la base
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