2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
10th edition of the experience "One day at the Parliament of Wallonia"
The annual operation "One day at the Walloon Parliament" aims to allow participants to discover, understand and appropriate the development, organization and daily functioning of a parliamentary institution by slipping, for one day, into the skin of a Walloon deputy.
During these days, the program, adapted to the level of each class and organized in a framework respectful of the school work rhythm, includes in particular
- a general presentation of the Parliament and a question and answer session
- a swearing-in ceremony in plenary session
- the examination of proposed decrees and resolutions - previously drafted in class - in committee;
- a debate and vote in plenary;
- a game activity.
At the end of the day, each student receives a diploma as a Member of Parliament for a day, a copy of the comic book "The Adventures of a New Decree" which explains the process of adopting a decree, the board game "Cock-a-doodle-doo" dedicated to the Parliament of Wallonia and the Region and a copy of the "Journal des Enfants" dedicated to the Parliament or a presentation brochure.
In addition to a copy of the new "Décreto", each group receives an audio and video recording of the work in which it participated.
Each group is asked to prepare for the days of the event by drafting a proposal for a decree or resolution in class. This preparation will make it easier to understand the activities planned in Parliament. A preparation session for the operation, open to teachers whose group's registration has been confirmed, is also offered.
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