2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Provincia del Azuay: Participatory Budgeting
Citizen participation, individually and collectively, plays a leading role in decision making, planning and management of public affairs and in the social control of the institutions of the decentralized autonomous governments and their representatives, in a permanent process of construction of citizen power, since the processes of Citizen Participation are increasingly important in the strategic field towards the achievement of public policy, since it is necessary to have a process management model focused on a departmental organization towards a process-based management centered on local actors, which allows us not only a more efficient production of products and services, but also the improvement of administration and management whose purpose is the satisfaction of the social actors.
Citizen participation in the Provincial Government of Azuay stems from a model of representative democracy based on a Parliamentary system at the Provincial level.
Citizen and Community Participation Systems: are used to support and strengthen citizen participation practices in the Provincial Government, as well as to guarantee citizens' rights.
The participatory budget goes beyond the consensual definition of needs or projects and the transfer of resources for their implementation, it is a collaborative mechanism between the inhabitants of neighborhoods, communities, precincts, communes, the Provincial Decentralized Autonomous Government is the one who promotes the involvement of other levels of government and public actors, This can be visualized with an organized society, since there is an ordinance policy, there are budget allocations according to the competencies that can be identified through the participatory assemblies, at the territorial level in a joint manner with the 79 territories.
The objectives are to incorporate to the Institutional Planning processes the construction and participative decision making through Parish and Cantonal Assemblies in the Political area, establishing scenarios for the strengthening of participative democracy, improving the relationship between local government, citizens, state and/or civil society; likewise in the social area, promoting social inclusion, reducing socio-territorial inequities, having an equitable distribution of public resources, improving the conditions and quality of life of the population.
The Citizen Participation model that we implement seeks to generate the protagonism of rural actors in the development of their territories in the construction of democracy, generating partnerships from the public to the public and from the public to the community, thus promoting the deconcentration of services and ensuring the involvement of communities in the planning and management of resources allocated to the territories, in this context Social Equity is implemented, political and institutional strengthening, based on principles of ethics, transparency of social and financial equity.
The implementation of participatory budgets is to create an inter-learning through a process of communication and education, ensuring the greatest diversity in the participation of territorial, social, sectoral and citizens in general in the Citizen Participation System, each year the information of the actors of all organizations present in the territory is verified and updated in coordination with the Cantonal and Parochial GAD's, allowing this to make a direct call, door to door of all actors.
The allocation of resources will be made according to the priorities of the development plans to promote territorial equity based on the financial availability of the respective local government, to implement the participatory budgets to be carried out:
Prioritization of territorial needs - through assemblies in the parishes and peripheral areas of the cantonal capitals of the province of Azuay, to prioritize the needs to be addressed with the Participatory Budgets based on the competencies of the Provincial Government of Azuay in Production, Irrigation, Social, Environmental, Roads; these needs should be implemented by direct administration in the different directions of the Provincial Government of Azuay, according to each competence; and those that can be implemented by the GAD's,
Project execution - with the project presented by the GAD's to the GPA, the agreement is signed and resources are transferred for its execution.
Monitoring and evaluation - the GPA assigns an administrator to the agreement as well as a promoter from the Directorate of Citizen and Community Participation and/or a technician from a related department of the Provincial Government of Azuay, who are responsible for permanently monitoring the implementation of the project as well as providing technical assistance, once the participatory budget projects have been implemented, they must perform the final act (transfers, implementation reports, closing of agreements); complying with the purpose of the signed agreement.
The Citizen and Community Participation system seeks three levels of articulation with the different types of actors in the territories:
Public-public partnership.
Public-private partnership.
Public-community partnership.
There is a Management Group made up of 467 citizens from the 79 territories of the Province of Azuay with the purpose of monitoring and performing citizen oversight of the actions of the Provincial Government of Azuay.
The Mixed Citizen Commission has been formed with 1 representative from each of the cantons and the technical team of the Provincial Government of Azuay to strengthen participation mechanisms.
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Es fundamental el desarrollo de los pueblos en base a los recursos que les corresponde.
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