2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Alcantarilla: Participatory Local Development Pacts: “NEIGHBORHOOD STORIES”
Historias de Barrio is a Participatory Local Development Pact led by the Department of Social Welfare, Family and Women of the Alcantarilla City Council, financed by the European Social Fund and the Department of Women, Equality, LGBTI, Families and Social Policy, within the maro of the Operational Program of the European Social Fund of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, which takes place in the neighborhood of San José Obrero.
As an experimental action, Historias de Barrio is an experience based on social innovation that conceives its actions from methodologies that promote networking and community participation. The complex nature that generates the challenges of today's society requires a type of solutions that, in essence, must be integrated, multisectoral and multidimensional. In this sense, "Historias de Barrio" is constituted as a partnership made up of all the institutions and public services and entities of the third sector that carry out actions in the neighborhood of San José Obrero. The work methodology, based on the approaches of Participatory Action Research, is proposed as a structure to favor networking and the involvement of the community in the implementation of the different actions to be developed based on an elaborated participatory diagnosis. by the community itself.
To do this, an action strategy has been created that works at different levels of decision-making and action on the reality of the neighborhood in which professionals linked to action projects, as well as residents of the community, participate, as shown the following figure:
The work structure of the program favors the creation of a Local Action Group, conceived as a place for reflection on participatory local development, as well as a space for evaluation and monitoring of the project.
For its part, the Reference Group – made up of all those people who lead a work commission by area of action – occupies a privileged place within the program, as it is the meeting place in which the work is structured and guided. shared by all the agents participating in Historias de Barrio. In addition, it is the work space in which a shared leadership process is agreed upon and built as a methodological option for the experience.
The Work Commissions by areas of action, in turn, intend to develop concrete actions of participatory stimulation in the neighborhood that respond to the information produced in the participatory diagnosis prepared by the community around the needs of the neighborhood itself.
Finally, the Motor Group of the IAP of Neighborhood Stories is the professional and neighborhood meeting space in which both types of knowledge converge, which is responsible for producing relevant information on the action research process with the participation of the community. as a source and mechanism of a participatory local development process.
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Conversation with Carlos Rubio
Un proyecto bonito lleno de gente más bonita aún <3
Muchas gracias, Carlos. Historias de Barrio nace con la intención de luchar contra el estigma que tiene el barrio de San José Obrero. No nos cansamos de repetir que el barrio no es la "ciudad sin ley". Es SAN JOSÉ OBRERO (así, con mayúsculas) y, como dices, está lleno de gente bonita:
Un saludo y nos vemos por el barrio, como siempre!
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