2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Province of Granada: Impronta Granada
Impronta Granada is a partnership between the University of Granada and the Provincial Council of Granada with the aim of addressing the challenges set out in the urban agendas of the province.
Within this framework, a web platform has been created to serve as a channel for the existing relationships between these institutions, showing the power of collaboration between public institutions, from an innovative and problem-solving perspective. The platform uses a data-driven approach to connect researchers with existing challenges, based on the overlaps between the scientific output of the university and the actions included in the urban agendas.
In this way, the aim is to systematize the forms of collaboration, placing at the center the link between the university community and the territory and the transfer of knowledge as the backbone of the initiative. The students will benefit, for their part, through internship programs and a transformative agenda that will allow them to develop service-learning experiences. For their part, from the municipalities, technical and political personnel have a direct channel to the university to convene and mobilize knowledge resources to address their needs. The citizens and the business sector of the province of Granada, complete the actors of this project, contributing their perspective of the needs of the territory and proposing transformative actions.
Beyond the digital perspective, Impronta Granada develops face-to-face actions focused on a format of innovation laboratories that bring together multidisciplinary actors from various entities to generate proposals and projects.
The Impronta Granada alliance takes as a reference the framework of the Urban Agendas to re-signify and deepen the relationship between the University and the territory, constituting a laboratory of experimentation in itself that can be replicated in other provinces and scaled to other levels of government. In the beginning, the initiative has been supported by the Science Meets Regions program of the European Commission.
- More information: https://improntagranada.es/
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Great project mayor for the people and the environment.
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