2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Pikine Nord: Disability-sensitive participatory budget
Pikine Nord, a small town of less than 2 km2 in the Dakar region, is small in size but large in the quality of its human resources and its organizational dynamism.
Our municipality has thus initiated, as part of the title of management 2023, the experience of the Disability-Aware Participatory Budget in order to improve its performance in terms of services provided to citizens by citizens with local governance management tools. But this initiative is only a logical continuation of the long tradition of inclusion and citizen participation in the definition and implementation of public policies in our local authority. And indeed, our commune was nominated for the local leadership competition in 2023 and twice elected the most inclusive commune in Senegal.
Thus our municipality, in line with the SDGs of the United Nations Organization (UN), the Directives of the Organization of the African Union (OAU) and the axes of the Emerging Senegal Plan (PSE), but also with the law of social orientation and the General Code of Territorial Communities, innovates once again with the BPSH in order to strengthen the participation of all actors in the mobilization of resources, the definition of development objectives, the identification of investments and the monitoring of their achievements.
The impacts and results of this practice, which has already enabled the majority of the citizens of the municipality to participate directly and indirectly in decision-making and monitoring of the city's development activities, will end up being definitively part of this approach. participatory towards other BP experiences sensitive to climate change, renewable energies, childhood, etc.
In summary, our participatory budgeting experience has been very positive and we would love to share it with other communities around the world.
Presentation of the PB (In French)
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