2024 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
18th Edition
Amman: Community urban farming
The Community-based urban gardening project seeks to demonstrate a nature-based solution and multifunctional green infrastructure at Queen Rania Al Abdullah Park (QRP) in the Al Qwiesmeh District of Amman, Jordan that aims to: Foster social cohesion, Enhance food security, Improve urban climate resilience, Improve access to livelihood opportunities through vocational trainings and urban development.
Project elements:
- Vocational Trainings
- Capacity Building for key Stakeholders
- Community Consultations
- Research & Studies
- Design
- Guidebook and Operational Manual (Aims to aid the park management & key stakeholders in the development and upkeep of the urban community garden project in QRP and it can be applied to other contexts. It is meant to provide structure, guidance, and advice for those establishing local urban gardens all over the world)
Steps of implementation:
- Conducting a comprehensive site analysis, which involves evaluating the physical features of the site in its entirety.
- Analyzing Key Stakeholders (Socio-economic data)
- Engaging with the Surrounding Community including (Comprehensive Needs Assessment, Guidance for Park Management on Stakeholder Engagement).
- Developing the Capacity of Key Stakeholders to ensure the longevity of the community garden project.
- Identifying Methods and Tools to be Implemented:
- Physical realities: availability of water, soil quality, slope of the site, climate (weather patterns, temperature, humidity, sun exposure).
- Gardeners: available time, experience level and/or commitment to learning new methods.
- Economics: budget of the project, financial model for sustaining the project, desired crop production and recipients of crops.
- Designing the Site (Conceptual design, Design development in consultation with key stakeholders and Construction works): The design of the site is a collaborative and reiterative process that takes into account the physical features of the site, the objectives and desired outcomes of the garden, stakeholders consultancy and the gardening methods to be implemented.
- Sustaining the Project (Ensuring Good Governance, Financial Sustainability, Seamless Operation, Communication: Face to face, Social Media, Paper)
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