2024 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
18th Edition
Brusque: Open Office
Our practice helped with the following criteria:
- Community participation: The Mayor and Deputy Mayor open their offices in order to meet and understand the demands of the population. In this way, it is possible to resolve specific demands from residents and also, through the survey and subsequent compilation of data, to create specific strategies. The data collected from residents at city hall is extremely valuable. Through this data it is possible to understand the pattern of latent demand and to create and monitor actions and strategies aimed at resolving these demands.
- Transparency: The government publicises its actions, decisions and accountability both in face-to-face dealings with citizens and through its official website and social networks.
- Access to information: In the open cabinet, citizens can request and receive information that interests them.
- Accountability: One of the virtues of government is that it takes on all the commitments it proposes and is also totally open to being charged for actions carried out or not. It is an excellent way of engaging in dialogue and explaining to residents all the challenges and projects that the government has.
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Excellent initiative! Close contact with the population is extremely important to understand the city’s main demands
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