2024 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
18th Edition
Valle del Cauca: Integral Social Management System - SIGESI eGov
The Integral Social Management System - SIGESI e-gov emerged in the Government of Valle del Cauca to measure social progress through information technologies and business intelligence, applied in non-business contexts. It promotes data-driven decision-making and public management with a rights-based and differential approach. It focuses on:
- Recognising people as subjects of rights and agents of development.
- Promoting citizen participation in the management of public affairs.
- Enhancing local capacities and strengthening public entities.
During the first 5 months of 2024, it has ensured the participation of more than 60,000 people.
Currently, SIGESI benefits all 4,647,367 inhabitants of Valle del Cauca. The main SDGs to which it contributes are: 5 - Gender Equality; 10 - Reducing Inequalities; 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
The objective of the practice is to boost participation and transparency in Valle del Cauca through digital platforms, allowing citizens to influence their quality of life and co-create solutions. Specific objectives include contributing to the construction of the development plan, addressing citizen demands and accountability.
Initiated in 2009 with the Public Youth Policy, SIGESI evolved in 2011 and 2017, integrating technology to improve public management. Today, it is a tool for participation and citizenship, empowering the population and prioritising interventions, with real-time monitoring of social indicators.
SIGESI's innovation lies in being the first system in Colombia to integrate technology for citizen participation and transparency. It articulates government agencies and other actors to solve problems and optimise resources, and is fundamental for decision-making.
In addition to the citizen participation module for the conversations, it covers all age groups through other modules: SICE and Kitea for early childhood, infancy and adolescence, in which this population is taught their rights while being held accountable; young people and adults through the SITUR, Valle del Cauca Travel, Fondo Valle Inn, Gender Observatory and Social Bank platforms; older adults through SIAAM, monitoring the implementation of the public policy for older adults.
The practice has been recognised nationally with the Colombia Participa Award from the Ministry of Interior in 2017.
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