2024 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
18th Edition
Russian Federation: Competition of school and youth ecological projects of initiative budgeting Eco-SCHIB
The presented practice allowed to form a new direction in school initiative budgeting - "green" or ecological school initiative budgeting; formed a community of consultants of regions-participants of youth and school initiative budgeting of ecological orientation; identified school activists consisting of teachers-mentors, schoolchildren and youth.
For the first time, the actor practice of school and youth initiative budgeting was combined with thematic ecological initiative budgeting.
The Competition of school and youth ecological projects of initiative budgeting "Eco-SCHIB-2023" received 459 applications, of which 249 passed technical and content expertise and were admitted for voting and evaluation by the contest committee. The projects were submitted in three nominations: Best Mass Ecological Action or Event (67 projects), Best Infrastructure Project (132 projects), and Best Educational Project (50 projects). The winner in the "Special Prize" nomination was determined by voters on the portal.
The analysis of school and youth ecological initiative budgeting projects (there were 459 of them) revealed the most significant spheres for young people in the field of ecology:
- Ecological agenda in the educational process (lectures, seminars, educational projects) - 18%, 45 projects;
- Creation of school eco-spaces (green corners, greenhouses, greenhouse complexes) - 44%, 109 projects;
- Recycling of things (clothes, waste paper, plastic) - 7%, 18 projects;
- Garbage collection and recycling - 10%, 25 projects
- Forest conservation - 2%, 5 projects
- Water conservation - 2%, 5 projects
- Biodiversity conservation, assistance to animals - 1.2%, 3 projects.
Analysis of the contest results suggests that schoolchildren and young people are significantly interested in environmental topics and are eager to study the environmental agenda of their native region and the country as a whole. There are all prerequisites for scaling up the project. The sociological survey on the results of the competition revealed a positive assessment of the relevance of the introduction of the ecological agenda in the school and youth model of ecological initiative budgeting among young people and schoolchildren.
At the same time, it is important to expand the geography of the practice to all regions of Russia and the forms of work by organizing festival events.
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