2024 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
18th Edition
Gürsu: Zero Waste, Together for a Green Future
We are happy that our adventure, which we started with small steps in 2022, has successfully achieved its goals in 2024.
Thanks to the mobile application we have developed, we have raised awareness by providing users with information about environmental problems, recycling methods and sustainable lifestyles. In this environmental awareness process, which we started in 50 households in 2022, we continue our work in 2345 households as of May 2024.
Especially in the participants of our project and the users of our application, a positive behavioural change has been observed in the name of recycling to a great extent. Competitions, awards, badges and gamification elements that encourage our users to be more sensitive to the environment contributed to keeping citizens active and online in the application. We are pleased to be the only municipality in our region and city that carries out activities in this field.
Thanks to our mobile application and effective communication, we have enabled our citizens to interact and participate in this recycling movement. We have also enabled our users to participate in environmental activities, award programmes and competitions. In this way, we have supported citizens to take an active part in local services.
Thanks to the mobile application we have developed, we also had the opportunity to collect and analyse data with the permission of our users. Thanks to our mobile application, we collect data on the recycling habits and environmental preferences of our users, their perspectives on climate and environment, and prepare new projects to develop more effective corporate policies and programmes.
With an environmental programme we have initiated, we have created regional and local cooperation networks. With the support of users, associations, public institutions, environmental activists in our region, we have ensured that we are in solidarity to find solutions to environmental problems.
We continue to develop innovative methods and projects for the sustainability of our project in order to leave a more livable world to future generations, which is the top priority of our project.
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