2024 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
18th Edition
Santiago de Chile: Open Government Model of the Government of Santiago de Chile: Governing with public sense
The objective of the model is to achieve an effective, democratic and collective governance, to strengthen the public sense and to exercise a collaborative relationship throughout the cycle of policies, plans, programmes and projects of the Regional Government.
The practice started in 2021 and addresses 3 dimensions: modernisation of management, transparency and citizen participation in all sectors and cycles of public policy and projects of the Regional Government. The dimensions cover the 400 civil servants of the Regional Government, as well as the beneficiaries of its action: 52 municipalities and more than 7 million inhabitants. The total investment to date has been estimated at 402,000USD.
From 2022 to May 2024, 24 measures have been implemented, highlighting: Development of a Regional Investment Administration and Management System with open data; Regional Council and Regional Government Portal with more open data; Accession to the Anti-corruption Alliance; Creation of a Citizen's Advice Office; Implementation of an Ethical Complaints Channel; Measurement of progress in the government programme; 10 Advisory Councils with civil society; 18 thematic roundtables with civil society; 6 regional roundtables with civil society; Updating of the Regional Development Strategy with citizen participation; 12 municipal networks with articulation between authorities and civil society. In April 2024, these measures were internationally recognised, with the Regional Government of Santiago being incorporated into the Open Government Partnership.
The practice is highly innovative, considering: 1) Implementation of the latest technologies, both in terms of front and back-end design, as well as in cybersecurity devices, for the facilitation of administrative processes and access to public information; 2) Incident citizen participation, throughout the cycle of policies and projects of the Regional Government. In this framework, major projects stand out, such as Nueva Alameda (urban renewal project in the centre of Santiago; with a cost of 110 million USD); New innovative parks and urban trees in vulnerable neighbourhoods; gender approach in urban design and promotion of employment; regional care system with a focus on caregivers; sustainable mobility plan aimed at strengthening electromobility, pedestrian paths and bicycle lanes; and the new Regional Development Strategy, which will have the year 2035 as a horizon.
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