2024 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
18th Edition
Goiás: Civic audit in public schools
The civic audit in schools is a gamified methodology for the engagement and active learning of participants in Students with Attitude - a public policy to encourage citizen participation within the state public school system in Goiás. The project originated with the development of the civic audit tool, initially developed by the Institute for Inspection and Control so that users of public services could carry out an autonomous assessment of the quality of these instruments.
Implemented in the state of Goiás since 2019, with the arrival of the current management at the State Comptroller's Office, the main objective of ‘Students with Attitude’ is to encourage the exercise of citizenship by stimulating social control practices, citizen participation and the prevention of corruption. In this way, it aims to develop a participatory and transformative political culture in the state of Goiás - internalising these democratic values in Goiás citizens right from their formative years.
Its methodology is divided into the following stages: 1) training the teacher-mentors and the team of students; 2) carrying out the civic audit - a time when the students carry out a detailed analysis of the structural and social challenges of their institution; 3) the special task - where, in the year 2023, the project dedicated itself to measuring the Gross Internal Happiness (GNH) of the participants; 4) the challenge - a time when the students take the lead in transforming their reality; and 5) the evaluation and awarding of prizes to the schools with the best performance.
The project's methodology stands out for its innovative nature. Using gamification and interaction tools, ‘Students with Attitude’ promotes the immediate instrumentalisation of the concepts presented to these young people - awakening a valuable sense of belonging and ownership of public assets. These qualitative gains have been thoroughly evaluated in order to understand their impact. Since 2021, the project has had an agreement to hire four full-time researchers to evaluate the impact of these practices on the lives of participating students.
After having 100 participants in the pilot edition, the initiative welcomed more than 700 registrations for 2023, a number of participants that exceeds 78% of all public schools in the state.
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Sou aluno do CEPMG Benedito Pinheiro de Abreu e me sinto honrado em ter participado desse projeto. Espero que Goiás tenha o seu prestígio tão merecido. 💜
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