2024 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
18th Edition
Bukavu : Strengthening Integrity programme in DRC
Our practice, the Strengthening Integrity programme (Programme Renforcer l'Intégrité en RD. Congo) in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is a very ambitious programme in the fight against corruption and the strengthening of local governance for a participatory and inclusive democracy. In addition to routine work on democracy in the city of Bukavu and in DR. Congo in general, our programme has focused on 4 innovative approaches and has had a significant impact.
The objectives have contributed to "Identifying and celebrating workers of integrity in the public service", "Innovating democratic initiatives to strengthen the culture of peace, traceability and participatory governance", "Setting up a mechanism for co-creating solutions to community problems in decentralised territorial entities" and "Investing in art to change behaviour and strengthen integrity".
This five-year program has been implemented in the last three years:
For Integrity Icone: 5,496 people participated in the nomination of icons in the community to celebrate 14 icons (5 in year 1, 5 in year 2 and 4 in year 3) which experienced 14,126 votes from the population through the engagement of 70 young volunteers. We have now reached 169,843 people who have already been touched by this campaign and who are making the fight their own.
For the accountability incubators: 3 editions, 35 Accountapreneurs (entrepreneurs for accountability) promoted and already active in the community with their projects which have an impact on the fight against corruption and the strengthening of moral and democratic values.
For Art for Changes: In 2023, we supported 3 young singers (appropriate songs) in the context of the 2023 elections in DR. These young people sang during the elections for all the stakeholders and 18 films have already been produced and received international recognition for their impact at local level.
For civic action teams
10 community associates are permanent in the community, we have reached 9130 people physically sensitised, 323 infographics published and more than 50,390 reached by the actions. Through the testimonies of local authorities, 6 initiatives have been carried out in the city via this campaign and tax mobilisation has improved by 7% in 3 years.
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