2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Nilüfer Social Entrepreneurship Center
Nilüfer Municipality implemented the Nilüfer Social Entrepreneurship Center, which is the first in Turkey for local governments, in order to increase capacity of social entrepreneurship and to support social business models. The main aim of the Nilüfer Social Entrepreneurship project is to increase the socio-economic development level of Bursa city by contributing to development and expansion of the social entrepreneurship ecosystem, which can produce innovative approaches and solutions to problems and needs, with active participation of all stakeholders of society.
Specific objectives of the project are as follows:
-To establish an umbrella organization in order to strengthen social entrepreneurship ecosystem of Bursa and to increase its capacity on the subject,
-To reveal, develop and support business ideas that will create social impact by increasing capacity of local social entrepreneurs,
-Developing an exemplary model for local governments on social entrepreneurship,
-To raise awareness, especially in the city of Bursa, with visibility activities about social entrepreneurship,
-To increase capacity of Nilüfer Municipality on “Social Entrepreneurship” with the center in order to contribute to construction of a society that produces solutions to social problems.
Within the activities of Nilüfer Social Entrepreneurship Center, social municipality understanding of Nilüfer Municipality has been reinforced with social entrepreneurship and a best practice model that produces more effective solutions to social problems established. Thus, a platform that will enable Nilüfer Municipality and potential social entrepreneurs to reach all groups of society with their social projects in which they can cooperate has been put into practice. Sustainable social business models of social entrepreneur candidates with rapid growth potential are implemented with supports such as mentoring, training, office, prototyping and cooperation provided at the center. So, Nilüfer Municipality has increased participation of social entrepreneurs who produce sustainable projects for social problems and implement social business models.
Within the project, Nilüfer Social Entrepreneurship Center, which consists of a training and 3D modeling workshop, shared office space, socialization area and administrative offices, was established. In the center, activities aimed at increasing social entrepreneurship capacity of society are carried out with open stage events, seminars, experience sharing meetings, trainings and contests. At the Nilüfer Social Entrepreneurship Center, which was opened in 2020, a total of 58 online and face-to-face activities have been organized so far, and 1.321 people have participated. "Nilüfer Social Entrepreneurship Contest" is organized in order to see social entrepreneurship potential in Bursa and to offer social entrepreneurs and social entrepreneur candidates opportunity to develop their entrepreneurship. Along with the Nilüfer Social Entrepreneurship Contest, 11 teams that address SDG's of gender equality, quality education, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, health and quality life, no poverty, responsible consumption and production were supported. A total of 153 people applied to contest, which has been organized twice so far. The winners have gained opportunity to benefit from shared office, training, mentoring support for a year at the center.
In 2020, 5 teams and 5 people total 45 hours, in 2021, 6 teams and 10 people total 54 hours benefited from Mentoring Program of the center. Consultancy Service is also provided to people with social enterprise ideas. Here,14 idea sharing meetings were held.
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Exciting project.
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