2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Rio Grande do Sul - Popular Consultation
The Popular Consultation, created in 1998 in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, through Law nº 11.179, has as its main characteristic the citizen's participation in the division of the State budget. The State of Rio Grande do Sul is the only State in Brazil that has this public policy at the state level and, since its creation, it has already moved more than 13 million citizens who have ceased to have a supporting role and have become co-responsible in the search for solutions to collective problems. Annually, the State Government distributes values among the 28 regions of the State, according to criteria such as the Socioeconomic Development Index – IDESE. Each of these 28 regions has a Development Council (called COREDE) that has a board and represents the region in demands with the State. In 2021, the process took place between the months of September and December and was developed in 8 stages: it started with the Governor defining the values for the Popular Consultation, followed by Assemblies held by the State in the 28 regions to explain the process of Annual Popular Consultation. A deadline was opened for the submission of proposals to the regions, via the app, by any citizen and engagement through likes and support in the proposals. Afterwards, the proposals were pre-evaluated by the State in order to verify the possibility or not of execution, if they were elected. The deferred proposals, which totaled more than a thousand, were sent to new Assemblies in the regions so that the population could analyze their importance in the region. The proposal that had the most support/likes was already guaranteed on the COREDE ballot. The COREDEs held Assemblies to define the proposals that would compose the ballot and, finally, the voting took place completely online, through the application or website of the State Government. Each region, represented by its COREDE, had a ballot and sought votes for the demands to be elected. After the voting, which took place between November 22nd and December 15th, the execution phase began, in which each city or region sent the project of the elected demand for the State to start the procedures with the transfer of the budget to the municipalities and regions. A chat was implemented, which is attended by the governance team of the Popular Consultation, bringing the citizen closer to the Government, so that he can follow the progress of projects and payment of resources. In the Popular Consultation 2021 we had the participation of 118,404 citizens, most of them men, over 25 years old. This profile is the same found during the mobilizations of the assemblies, since, out of 28 COREDEs, only 8 are commanded by women. Faced with a scenario in which most acts are carried out within the state apparatus, in an environment restricted to public managers, the participation of the population becomes indispensable to guarantee the plurality and representativeness of these actions. The Popular Consultation, in addition to strategic planning for the regions of the State, has democratic management as a guideline, guaranteeing the participation of the population.
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Proposta onde o cidadão tem participação desde o inicio até o final da aplicação dos recursos públicos em suas regiões.
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