2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Ogou 1: "Personalities" of the Ogou1 commune, a term used to designate the young people of the commune
Decentralization has been effective in Togo since 2019 with the election of 117 mayors. We notes a low participation of young people in the development actions of their municipalities. In addition, there is a weak commitment of this youth to the actions citizens. With a loss of confidence in politics, new modes of expression must emerge to enable citizens to be heard and find their place within the city (in the broad sense). What is then at stake is the sense of commitment to give in the life of the city. Citizen participation and local democracy are among the founding principles of sustainable development to carry out policies integrated and innovative. The development of a culture of youth participation is in this essential sense, to allow everyone to be an actor and stakeholder in the construction of the development of the commune. A right to collective citizen initiative must be guaranteed, at the same time as the means necessary for its realization must be made available. A solution approach through a powerful contact tool between the municipal authorities and the citizens (referred to as "personalities of the municipality"), is essential.
These meetings allow a close relationship between the young people of the commune Ogou1 and municipal authorities. This is an opportunity for the mayor to discuss with young people on actions to positively influence the local development process.
In a spirit of respect and discussion, the mayor will take the pulse of the youth and know their opinion on various subjects. Also, it is a good opportunity for them to be up to date with the current files. The objective being to improve the quality of public decision-making through mechanisms of participatory democracy is a central issue that motivated the decision to organize a meeting of young people at the end of each year in order to take into account their aspirations. in the budget for the following year. A consideration of the youngest of the town as personalities. A concept designed to motivate them to follow the model of historical minorities (those who have positively impacted the development of the municipality) as well as the authorities of the municipality. It is also a strength for these young people to make better proposals for actions for their development and the development of the municipality. In order to make the experience more successful, a follow-up is done with punctual evaluations
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Merci à la commune Ogou1 pour cette initiative
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