2024 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
18th Edition
Karlstads: Elevborgarråd för klimatet (Student Council for the Climate)
Elevborgarråd för klimatet is a democracy project in Karlstad that allows children and young people to speak up and develop clear proposals about how the municipality can reduce emissions. It is an initiative that gives voice to students who lack the right to vote but who are still affected by the decisions made today. Karlstad municipality was the first municipality to have an Elevborgarråd. Children in preschool and students in elementary schools submitted 967 proposals based on the questions of how the municipality can reduce its emissions without harming any groups and become an environmentally smart municipality?
By including students in environmental and climate issues and listening to their ideas, this project creates opportunities for a fair climate transition. The Elevborgarråd is inspired by the concept of citizens' jury. The Elevborgarråd is a unique initiative in Sweden and is an example of how a municipality can use the knowledge of civil society and the initiative and innovative ideas of young people to the benefit of its citizens.
About 40 student representatives met at a large student democracy workshop in April 2023, where they developed the proposals submitted so far and prioritised the 67 student proposals to pass on to the municipality's governing politicians. The students have met with politicians and the municipal board. Student proposals have been explored in the municipality's political councils and companies in exactly the same way as proposals from other groups. In April 2024, student representatives met for a reunion meeting where they met the municipality's politicians to hear what has been decided so far regarding their 67 proposals.
The result is that 26 proposals have been agreed, 19 will be investigated further, 11 are already being implemented and 7 have been rejected. Among the student proposals to be implemented are a car-free week, wider cycle paths, installation of solar panels on municipal roofs, promoting climate-smart leisure activities, introducing a food waste campaign and introducing cultivation in pre-schools and schools. In addition, the Elevborgarråd concept will be developed and continued in future years as a permanent part of Karlstad's citizen engagement. The concept is also being spread. Pupils who have participated describe that they have gained more knowledge about democracy, climate, and the environment and that the project has increased their confidence and trust in the democratic system.
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